Happy New Year! 2029 raced by so fast it’s hard to believe it is already 2030. It has been an eventful year. Our Granddaughter Lani entered Columbia University Medical School last year, and expects to perform her first remote robotics surgery soon. Larry remembers when his older brother graduated from Columbia in 1967 and then endured seven years more of internships and residency. Ever since bio-engineered accelerated learning RNA protein chain food enhancement and the consequent increase in world-wide IQ by a factor of three occurred, the pace of integration into the global network health services just keeps getting faster. Can you believe they are talking about 13 year-old doctors? Wow.
Our other grandchild, Rue, just turned 18, and has returned from her six month overseas language immersion program in China. This makes her now fluent in 16 languages, and qualifies her for a position in the International Tribunal program. Her network node includes around 35,000 language savants, who combined with the International Neural Processing Program offers instantaneous communication between any of the 7.5 billion members of the citizen community, both here, in space and even those who remain as neural processing partners in the no-body repositories of the dearly departed. Now that Rue joins them, justice will never be the same.
Larry continues his Sanskrit and Buddhist studies, and spent six months in cyber retreat this year. It appears that the combination of meditation, the newest time-release hyperbaric nano-medication and his very cool new stem-cell grown bio-engineered heart seem to have solved his periodic and inconvenient circulatory problems, and it looks like he will now have the time to complete his study of tannic acid refulgence in Chinese green tea. His botanical musical compositions continue to garner enthusiastic fans among the international garden crowd.
Norma celebrated the publication of her 12th book last year, Dialogue with Immanence, and has documented over 17 million overnight Estream transmits in the first 24 hours of its release. All royalties from the work are being donated to the Psychotherapy Institute, which remains one of the few remaining therapeutic and clinical programs requiring the actual physical presence of client and therapist. Her previous book, “Yeah,” a survey of early twentieth century gospel music, was recently awarded the Jupiter Prize in Stockholm by former U.S. President Chelsea Clinton.
Like us, of course, you must be pleased to have heard about the last licensed and functioning internal combustion automobile ceremoniously crushed and melted last week at the local Fusion Energy Center in Santa Rosa. Hard to believe that we used to burn gasoline for energy and were so late to discover the actual value of the world’s remaining oil. Now that it has ironically helped to restore biological balance and halted the effects of the greenhouse effect, those of us who remember smog can only shake our heads. Black gold, indeed!
That’s about it for now. We wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2030, and look forward to our scheduled MindStream party at 5 p.m. EST, Tuesday, June 30. Be sure to plug in by 4:45 so that your cerebral cortex frontal lobe alpha waveform function can be synchronized with others and the MicrosoftAlive sensory application link can be fully optimized so you don’t miss a thing!