True understanding of the vast workings of the economy are reserved to those who have mastered the perfection of financial wisdom, bestowed upon them by the great masters of Wall Street. These masters have passed down their wisdom through endless transactions, mergers, acquisitions and accumulations, and those anointed by them with the secret knowledge rarely tell others. From time to time, however, they descend from their exalted heights and share insight with mere laymen. This is a recounting of such an encounter.
Thus have I heard, once the Anointed One Secretary Paulson was dwelling in Congress together with a great gathering of Senators and a great gathering of Representatives. At that time, the Anointed One entered the testimony called Informing the Electeds, and at the same time, noble Ben Bernanke, Bank Chairman Reserve Chairman, while also testifying, saw in this way: he saw that the economy was empty of self-nature.
Then, through the power of the Secretary, venerable committee leader Chris Dodd said to noble Ben Bernanke, Bank Chairman Reserve Chairman, “How should a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to survive in this economy protect their money?”
Addressed in this way, noble Ben Bernanke, Bank Chairman Reserve Chairman said to venerable committee leader Chris Dodd, “O’ Chris Dodd, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to protect their money should see in this way: seeing the economy as empty of self-nature. Money is emptiness, and emptiness is money. Money is no other than emptiness, and emptiness is no other than money. In the same way, gold, silver, platinum and bank notes are empty. Thus, Chris Dodd, all economies are emptiness. There are no interest-bearing notes, there is no debt and no repayment, there is no default and no bankruptcy, there is no wealth and no poverty. In emptiness there is no lender, no borrower, no credit and no creditor; no bills, no cash, no bonds, no stocks, no instruments; no economy, no end of the economy, no loss, no gain, no profit, no end of profit, no attainment and no non-attainment.”
“Therefore, since the economy has no attainment, the investor abides in the knowledge of the privilege of money. Since there is no misunderstanding, there is no fear. He transcends poverty and attains wealth nirvana. All the economists of the three times, by means of the true nature of money, fully realize true complete financial enlightenment.”
“Therefore the neo-liberal economic slogan, the slogan of great insight, the unsurpassed slogan, the unequalled slogan, the slogan that cures all financial suffering should be known as truth, since there is no deception. The neo-liberal slogan is said in this way:
‘Oh, get it, get it, get the money! If just the wealthy get the money, so be it.’
Thus one should practice the neo-liberal slogan.”
Then the Secretary arose from his testifying and addressed noble Ben Bernanke, Bank Chairman Reserve Chairman, saying, “Thus it is, o’ son of noble family, thus it is. One should embrace the neo-liberal slogan just as you have said and all the wealthy will rejoice.”
When the Anointed One said this, venerable committee leader Chris Dodd, noble Ben Bernanke, Bank Chairman Reserve Chairman, that whole congress and Wall Street, with its brokers, dealers and rich bankers rejoiced and praised the words of the Anointed One.